
Cool Stuff: Participatory Content

I ran across two nifty UGC ideas that relate to sports, two of which were linked from J-Lab's Cool Stuff: Participatory Content page:

Amarillo Globe-News - IBeatBeilue.com
The Amarillo (Texas) Globe-News invites its readers to go up against football columnist Mark Beilue in picking winners of local high school, college and NFL football games. Contestants who correctly pick more winners than Beilue in a week receive a free t-shirt, and the overall winner receives tickets to the Alamo Bowl in San Antonio, Texas."

St. Paul Pioneer Press - Average Joe Columnist

The Pioneer Press sports department and TwinCities.com are letting readers experience what it's like to be a sports columnist. In 2005, the second edition of the contest, over 150 columns were submitted. After the paper narrowed the field to 16, the finalists submitted columns on deadline for weekly head-to-head competitions. The columns were judged by a sports writer and a sports editor at the Pioneer Press and by an online reader poll. The winner wrote a live column from a Minnesota Vikings football game.

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